Advisory Board Member Election and Annual Meeting, Friday, June 21

Greater Falls Connections 2019-2020 Advisory Board Election and Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, June 21, at 12pm, at the Rockingham Free Public Library.  All Coalition members* are encouraged to attend.

In addition to youth-led presentations and activities, we will be voting to elect our 2019-2020 Advisory Board. Come to celebrate the end of our program year and give some input on our activities and priorities for next year!  Lunch and good company provided.

Per Coalition by-laws, members who are unable to attend the meeting may register their opinions in writing with the Chair or the Director so that their opinion may be expressed at the meeting. Board Chair: Shelly Crawford,; Director: Laura Schairbaum,

Greater Falls Connections Advisory Board members serve one-year terms and can be elected yearly for up to five years.  Voting membership will be asked to vote on the entire list of candidates below.

Shall Greater Falls Connections coalition elect the following list of candidates for the 2018-2019 Advisory Board?

  1. Stone Bradbury, BFUHS student (1st term)
  2. Tim Bradbury, parent (1st Term)
  3. Shelly Crawford, BFUHS teacher (2ndTerm)
  4. Dan Gabry, outgoing BFUHS student (2nd Term)
  5. Marty Gallagher, Bellows Falls (2nd Term)
  6. Joey Jacques, incoming BFUHS student (1st term)
  7. Michelle Laurendeau, Greater Falls Pharmacy (1st Term)
  8. Kara Lescord, BFUHS student (2nd Term)
  9. Meghan Licciardi, Youth Services of Windham County (1st Term)
  10. Jonathan O’Connor, parent (2nd Term)
  11. Alex Stradling, Fact TV (1st Term)

*From our by-laws:

“Membership in the coalition is broad and inclusive, allowing all members of the community who endorse its mission to join its efforts. Membership shall be defined as anyone in the last 6 months who has:

  • Attended a Coalition meeting
  • Attended a Coalition sub-committee meeting, and/or
  • Made a significant contribution to the work of the Coalition.”